SDG 11.3.1 data product
SDG 11.3.1 data product: 3rd-level grid square statistics for SDG 11.3.1 (Ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate)
The data product, which is SDG 11.3.1 indicator, is calculated from JAXA high-resolution land cover and grid square statistics of the MIC population census.
3rd Level Grid Square Data for SDG 11.3.1 (Ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate)
ASTER GDEM data product
ASTER GDEM data product: 3rd-level grid square statistics for altitude
The original data of this data product are ASTER GDEM, which is provided by METI and NASA as the ASTER high-level product. Users must declare the producer of the world grid square statistics for altitude as the Research Institute for World Grid Squares, and the original producers of the data source are METI and NASA when they use this data product. The Research Institute for World Grid Squares, NASA, METI, and J-spacesystems do not guarantee the quality and reliability of the data products and do not have any responsibility for users’ losses and damages resulting from their usage. (c) METI, (c) NASA.
GADM data product
3rd level grid square data for the administrative area and grid size
3rd level grid square data for an administrative area (based on GADM) and grid size including upper west-to-east span, lower west-to-east span, north-to-south span, and area. The geodesic distance is computed based on the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84).
JAXA ALOS AW3D30 data product
JAXA ALOS AW3D30 data product: 3rd-level grid square statistics for altitude
The original data are “ALOS World 3D – 30m”(AW3D30), provided by JAXA as the ALOS high-level product. ((c) JAXA, METI for PALSAR).
JAXA ALOS AW3D30 data product: 3rd-level grid square statistics for altitude
NASA night-time light intensity data product
NASA night-time light intensity data product: 3rd-level grid square statistics for night-time light intensity
The original data of this data product is 2012 NASA night-time light intensity, which was provided by NASA as the NASA high-level data product. Users must declare the producer of the world grid square statistics for night-time light intensity as the Research Institute for World Grid Squares and the original producers of the data source are NASA when they use this data product. The Research Institute for World Grid Squares and NASA do not guarantee the quality and reliability of the data products and do not have any responsibility for users’ losses and damages resulting from their usage. The NASA Earth Observatory image by Robert Simmon, using Suomi NPP VIIRS data, was provided courtesy of Chris Elvidge (NOAA National Geophysical Data Center). Suomi NPP is the result of a partnership between NASA, NOAA, and the Department of Defense. Caption by Mike Carlowicz. (c) NASA