What’s new
- March 05, 2022
The library functions to calculate the world grid square codes on JavaScript (Version 1.7) have been released. Four types of new functions to compute extended grid square codes with high spatial resolution such as cal_meshcode_ex100m_12(), cal_meshcode_ex100m_13(), cal_meshcode_ex10m_14(), and cal_meshcode_ex1m_16() have been added. [See Library]
- October 10, 2021
The library functions to calculate the world grid square codes on PHP (Version 1.7) have been released. Four types of new functions to compute extended grid square codes with high spatial resolution such as cal_meshcode_ex100m_12(), cal_meshcode_ex100m_13(), cal_meshcode_ex10m_14(), and cal_meshcode_ex1m_16() have been added. [See Library]
- June 20, 2021
The library functions to calculate the world grid square codes on R, and Python (Version 1.7) have been released. Four types of new functions to compute extended grid square codes with high spatial resolution such as cal_meshcode_ex100m_12(), cal_meshcode_ex100m_13(), cal_meshcode_ex10m_14(), and cal_meshcode_ex1m_16() have been added. [See Library]
- January 20, 2020
The Design of the top banner of the Research Institute for World Grid Squares was updated.

- January 14, 2020
The library functions to calculate the world grid square codes on Python (Version 1.4) have been released. New functions to compute the geodesic distance between two points indicated by latitude and longitude and a size (northern west-east span, southern west-east span, north-to-south span, and a trapezoidal approximation area) of a given grid square based on the WGS84 by using Vincenty formula (1975). [See Library]
- January 11, 2020
The third-level world grid square statistics of the number of fire spots observed in the Australia and New Zealand region for the period from August 2018 to January 2020 have been released. The original point data are obtained from NASA FIRMS. [Download a zipped file for Australia and New Zealand]

- November 21, 2019
The library functions to calculate the world grid square codes on Javascript (Version 1.1) have been released. New functions to compute the geodesic distance between two points indicated by latitude and longitude and a size (northern west-east span, southern west-east span, north-to-south span, and a trapezoidal approximation area) of a given grid square based on the WGS84 by using Vincenty formula (1975). [See Library]
- November 20, 2019
The library functions to calculate the world grid square codes on R (Version 1.5) have been released. New functions to compute the geodesic distance between two points indicated by latitude and longitude and a size (northern west-east span, southern west-east span, north-to-south span, and a trapezoidal approximation area) of a given grid square based on the WGS84 by using Vincenty formula (1975). [See Library]
- July 12, 2019
The demo version of MESHSTATS has been released from http://www.meshstats.net.

- December 10, 2018
The library functions to calculate the world gird square codes on Python (Version 1.2) have been released. [See Library]
- July 12, 2018
We published an international conference paper: Aki-Hiro Sato, Shoki Nishimura, Tsuyoshi Namiki, Naoki Makita, Hiroe Tsubaki, “World Grid Square Data Reference Framework and its Potential Applications”, 2018 IEEE 42nd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), pp. 398-409 (2018). DOI:10.1109/COMPSAC.2018.00062 [PDF]
- July 10, 2018
We had a workshop on Big Data Analytics for Tourism and its Standardization from 15:00 to 18:00 on 27th June 2018 in the Smart Data Forum showroom in Berlin, Germany. The workshop was hosted by the Smart Data Forum founded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy. We have received 14 participants. The workshop was also a part of the activity of the UNWTO Affiliate Member Working Group on Technology and Tourism. Dr. Regine Gernert from DLR Project Management Agency kindly moderated the workshop. The agenda of the workshop was as follows:
15:00 Greetings
Dr. Aki-Hiro Sato, Kyoto University/JST PRESTO Volker Genetzky, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
15:00 – 15:15 Digital Agenda – Digital Technologies
Volker Genetzky, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
15:15 – 16:00 Introduction of the Smart Data Forum and Demonstration of Projects
Antje Nestler, Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut HHI
16:00 – 16:15 Evaluation Platform of Sustainability for Global Systems
Dr. Aki-Hiro Sato, Kyoto University/JST PRESTO
16:15 – 16:30 A Global Data-Ecosystem for Tourism
Dr. Markus Clermont, Google
16:30 – 16:45 GENEX Partners Introduction
Mr. Kazutoshi Maki, GENEX Partners
16:45 – 17:45 Discussion
Mr. Volker Genetzky mentioned his warm welcome messages to all the participants and Dr. Aki-Hiro Sato expressed his sincere gratitude to them for their kind participation with memories and outcomes found in Kyoto Tourism Data Walk held in Kyoto University Clock Tower from 11 to 13 March 2018. Mr. Volker Genetzky explained Digital Agenda – Digital Technologies. Ms. Antje Nestler explained the activities of the Smart Data Forum and the outcomes of the Smart Data projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy. Dr. Aki-Hiro Sato from Kyoto University / Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and Dr. Markus Clermont from Google participated in the workshop and delivered their research on Big Data Analytics for Tourism and its Standardization. Mr. Kazutoshi Maki from GENEX Partners presented his company’s activity.
We exchanged ideas on Big Data (Smart Data) for tourism industries and results on Big Data applications for tourism industries.
- March 20, 2018
Kyoto University Team (Aki-Hiro Sato and Maeda Atsuto) has received the 1st place award in the Hackathon Challenges in BDGMM 2018 in IEEE Big Data 2018, Berlin, 19-20 Mar. 2018.
- February 15, 2018
The 3rd level grid square statistics for altitude based on ASTER GDEM have been released.
- Japanese version URL: http://www.fttsus.jp/worldgrids/ja/aster-gdem-ja/
- English version URL: http://www.fttsus.jp/worldgrids/en/aster-gdem-en/
- January 26, 2018
The 3rd level grid square data for night-time light intensity for 156 countries and regions have been released. [See Data]
- December 13, 2017
Kyoto University Team (Ryosuke Kawamori and Aki-Hiro Sato) has received the 1st place award in the Hackathon Challenges in BDMM 2017 in IEEE Big Data 2017, Boston, 11-12 Dec. 2017.
- November 17, 2017
Dr. Aki-Hiro Sato delivered his talk in the Joint UNECE/UN-GGIM Workshop on Integrating Geospatial and Statistical Standards, November 6-8 in Stockholm, Sweden. (article)
- September 11, 2017
We proposed the working group on technology and tourism in UNWTO Affiliate Members Working Groups.
- May 15, 2017
EU-Japan Workshop on Big Data for Sustainability and Tourism was recorded as one of official events of 2017 International Year for Sustainable Tourism for Development handled by UNWTO. [See 2017 International Year for Sustainable Tourism for Development]
- March 8, 2017
EU-Japan Workshop on Big Data for Sustainability and Tourism was held at University of Hamburg in Germany on 8 March 2017.
- February 8, 2017
The library functions to calculate the world gird square codes on PHP (Version 1.0) have been released. [See Library]
- February 6, 2017
The library functions to calculate the world gird square codes on Javascript (Version 1.01) have been released. [See Library]
- October 30, 2016
The 3rd level grid square data for administrative areas and grid sizes (upper west-to-east span, lower west-to-east span, north-to-south span, and area) for 252 countries and regions have been released. [See Data]
- September 24, 2016
The 3rd level grid square data for altitude (min, mean, median, and max) for BRN, CAF, CMR, DJI, ERI, ETH, KHM, LKA, MYS, NGA, and SSD have been released. The original data are “ALOS World 3D – 30m”(AW3D30), which are provided by JAXA as the ALOS high level product. (c) JAXA [See Data]